DGEIS Chapters and Appendices

Protect the Highlands has uploaded the below chapters and appendices of the DGEIS, broken out by individual section, to make navigating and reading the DGEIS easier. The sections were taken in whole exactly as they appear in the DGEIS, and all sections of the DGEIS are included.

Note: The DGEIS divides the Fjord Trail into two parts: Fjord Trail North (defined as Denning’s Point to Breakneck Ridge) and Fjord Trail South (defined as Breakneck Ridge to Dockside Park). Both parts address the same topics. Chapter III, Sections A–P address impacts to Fjord Trail North and Chapter IV, Sections A–P address impacts to Fjord Trail South. Chapter III.L: Traffic and Transportation encompasses Fjord Trail North and Fjord Trail South. (As such, there is no Chapter IV.L.)



Notice of Completion, Notice of Hearing

Inside Cover

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Chapter I

Introduction and Background

Chapter II

Project Description

Chapter III

A: Land Use and Zoning – Fjord Trail North

B: Land Ownership, Management, and Maintenance – Fjord Trail North

C: Land – Fjord Trail North

D: Water Resources – Fjord Trail North

E: Biological Resources – Fjord Trail North

F: Historic and Archaeological Resources – Fjord Trail North

G: Scenic Resources – Fjord Trail North

H: Noise and Air Quality – Fjord Trail North

I: Recreational and Open Space Resources, Accessibility – Fjord Trail North

J: Growth and Community Character – Fjord Trail North

K: Socioeconomics – Fjord Trail North

L: Traffic and Transportation – Fjord Trail

M: Infrastructure – Fjord Trail North

N: Emergency and Public Services – Fjord Trail North

O: Other Planning Effort – Fjord Trail North

P: Hazardous Materials Assessment – Fjord Trail North

Chapter IV

A: Land Use and Zoning – Fjord Trail South

B: Land Ownership, Management, and Maintenance – Fjord Trail South

C: Land – Fjord Trail South

D: Water Resources – Fjord Trail South

E: Biological Resources – Fjord Trail South

F: Historic and Archaeological Resources – Fjord Trail South

G: Scenic Resources – Fjord Trail South

H Noise and Air Quality – Fjord Trail South

I: Recreational and Open Space Resources, Accessibility – Fjord Trail South

J: Growth and Community Character – Fjord Trail South

K: Socioeconomics – Fjord Trail South

L: Traffic and Transportation – Fjord Trail

M: Infrastructure – Fjord Trail South

N: Emergency and Public Services – Fjord Trail South

O: Other Planning Effort – Fjord Trail South

P: Hazardous Materials Assessment – Fjord Trail South

Chapter V


Chapter VI

Cumulative Impacts

Chapter VII

Unavoidable Adverse Impacts

Chapter VIII

Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources

Chapter IX

Supplemental Environmental Review

Chapter X

Coastal Zone Management Program Consistency

Chapter XI

Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act


Cover Pages

List of Appendices

Appendix I: SEQRA Documents

1: Final Scoping Document

2: Full Environmental Assessment Form

3: Positive Declaration

Appendix II: Construction Logistics

1: Construction Logistics Report (North)

2: Construction Logistics Report (South)

Appendix III/IV.C: Geotechnical Report

Geotechnical Report

Appendix III/IV.D: Water Resources

Water Resources

Appendix III/IV.E: Biological Resources

1: Biological Resources Table

2: IPaC Results

3: Draft Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Survey Report

Appendix III/IV.F: Historic and Archaeological Resources

1: SHPO Correspondence

2: Draft Letter of Resolution

Appendix III/IV.L: Transportation

1: Intersection Capacity Analysis Methodology

2: Traffic Count Volume Summary Memo - TMC, Pedestrian, Bike, ATR Data

3: Synchro Output Reports - 2023 Existing Conditions

4: HHFT Visitor Utilization Study

5: NYSDOT Accident Data Records

6: Parking Supply Table

7: Synchro Output Reports - 2033 No Action Conditions

8: Fjord Trail Visitation Projection

9: Synchro Output Reports - 2033 With Action Conditions

10: Synchro Output Reports - 2033 Mitigation Conditions

Appendix III/IV.N: Emergency Service Providers Correspondence

Emergency Service Providers Correspondence

Appendix III/IV.P: Soil and Materials Management Plan (SMMP)

Soil and Materials Management Plan (SMMP)

Appendix V: Alternatives

1: Alternative Alignments Analysis (February 2022)

2: Alternative Alignments Analysis 2024 Addendum (August 2024)

Appendix X: Coastal Zone Assessment Forms

1: State Coastal Assessment Form – Fjord Trail North

2: State Coastal Assessment Form – Fjord Trail South

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