About Us
Protect the Highlands is a grassroots, broad-based coalition of diverse voices formed in response to the Hudson Highlands Fjord Trail: a boardwalk, elevated walkway, and network of parking lots proposed for construction along the Hudson River between the Village of Cold Spring and the City of Beacon in New York State.
Initially, stakeholders in and around our communities were heartened by the idea of a simple project to connect hiking trails, promote safety, and help limit traffic on Route 9D. Concerns arose as plans for the project dramatically changed and expanded to their current form.
Rather than addressing the original traffic and safety issues brought forth by locals, the trail was re-imagined and morphed from building a safe pathway to creating a major new tourist attraction, now with construction costs that will likely reach into the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Protect the Highlands is a platform for those who are committed to sharing this revered valley, preserving its historical and environmental integrity, and building a vibrant future for the community. Our goal is to ensure that the concerns of stakeholders are not just heard, but responded to with practical solutions and actions.
We welcome you to join us and share your questions, concerns, and aspirations for the Hudson Highlands.
Board of Directors: Michael Bowman, Grace Kennedy, Dave Merandy, Susan Peehl, Sheila Rauch, John Zuvic, Joe Hirsch, and Jon Erickson.
Protect the Highlands is a registered nonprofit under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3).