Thank you for participating in the DGEIS public comment period!
Over the past 90 days—from December 4 to March 4—hundreds of local residents and numerous nonprofit groups and municipalities throughout the Hudson Highlands submitted comments to New York State to ask questions and express concerns about the proposed Hudson Highlands Fjord Trail.
The Upland Alternative
The Upland Alternative is an inland alternative to the Fjord Trail that would create a safe, accessible, at-grade path connecting the Metro-North train station in Cold Spring to the trailhead at Breakneck Ridge.
By enhancing and joining together pre-existing municipal and state park infrastructure, the Upland Alternative could be built in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost of the Fjord Trail. It could be built without subjecting the environment and surrounding community to years of heavy construction. Unlike the Fjord Trail, building the Upland Alternative would not require cutting down acres of trees, building hundreds of new parking spaces, or fragmenting nature. The Fjord Trail does not have to be built in the river. There is a viable alternative.
The Fjord Trail Is Not a Trail
Scenic Hudson and the Hudson Highlands Fjord Trail (HHFT) want to build a major tourist attraction they say will be “the epicenter of tourism in the Hudson Valley” and have “national prominence.”
Stretching 7.5 miles, from the Metro-North train station in Cold Spring to Long Dock Park in Beacon, the Fjord Trail would lead to a decade of heavy construction, degrade the environment, despoil the landscape, worsen traffic, bring an unmanageable number of tourists, and strain resources in the historic village of Cold Spring.

Overtourism and Community Stewardship
Scenic Hudson’s goal is to “ensure this project becomes the epicenter for outdoor recreation in Hudson Highlands State Park and the Hudson River Valley.” Amy Kacala, executive director of the HHFT, informed the NYS Department of Transportation that they estimate 600,000 annual visitors to the Fjord Trial upon its completion. That’s a 25 percent increase over current visitation levels—levels that already swamp Cold Spring.
Our stewardship is required now to preserve the rare qualities and scenic beauty that our town uniquely possesses while balancing ways to share it intelligently with the many people who wish to visit here.
Threats to the Environment
Heavy construction—which HHFT projects could last as long as a decade—and long-term use would disrupt a vibrant ecosystem that has only just re-established itself following decades of neglect and industrial abuse. There are a number of species of animals that exist in and around the Breakneck Connector portion of the proposed Fjord Trail that are listed by two different governmental bodies—federal and New York State—as either endangered, threatened, or of special concern.

Follow the Money
How much will the Fjord Trail cost to build and how much will it cost to maintain it? If anyone knows, no one will say.
To date, HHFT has been awfully quiet about answering even the most basic questions about how the Fjord Trail will be operated and maintained. How many people will be needed to keep the trail free of garbage and maintain the bathrooms? Who will clean up after floods? Who will be responsible for responding to emergencies? Who will undertake ongoing capital maintenance? What will these things cost? Who will pay?
Myth vs. Fact
Don’t have time for the long read? Look no further for straightforward answers to frequently asked questions from the community.
Take Action
We are an entirely volunteer-run organization and welcome new members to join us. There are numerous ways to get involved, including adding your name to our list of supporters, volunteering, and making a donation.